I am so happy and thankful to have such wonderful laoshis, students and supportive families at the Mandarin Tree. Thank you for all of your love, trust and support! 🙂
Thank you…from S I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your school with us. We have been blown away by D’s Mandarin skills. I don’t think I’ve had a chance to talk to you since he came back from China. All the Chinese parents wanted their kids to talk to D in English to practice with him – but they never had the chance because his Mandarin was so much better than their English. His mother has a lot of Chinese friends with kids D’s age and they were shocked. I thought that was pretty cool, I could tell she was very proud, which let me tell you is a big deal. Thanks! – S An update…from a parent O has transitioned into her kindergarten class seamlessly. She has been assigned to the late bird class which consists of students who tested well in reading skills (her school utilizes DIBELS testing). She is definitely far ahead of her class and is one of the top students. The teacher said that the students will read through SWRL books. I printed some out and O can read all of them and answer the comprehension questions with ease. She actually has said the homework was too easy. So she is more than adequately prepared for Kindergarten. I was wondering if she would be prepared socially since she was the only four/five year old at Mandarin Tree Academy but she already has a best friend and another really good girl friend. I volunteer at her school on Tuesdays and I have peeped in her class and have seen her play very well with other students. I am very pleased with O’s experience at Mandarin Tree Academy. She was able to be the big girl and help the younger students. She formed good friendships especially with A and E. And she learned Mandarin which my Mandarin speaking friends say is very good. I don’t know how her Mandarin is to be honest because I don’t speak Mandarin but she can recall words when I test her and corrects my pronunciation all the time. Lol! | Thank you…from N I can’t believe how much Mandarin J speaks after less than a year at MTA. It’s really amazing how she can now carry out conversations and understands what she’s hearing. J really loves her friends and teachers. Thanks for making this your passion 🙂 -N We’ll miss you! M and I want you to know how difficult this decision has been for us. The family atmosphere you have created at MTA is something that we’re sure we will not find anywhere else and we are going to miss you, the Lao Shis and all of the other parents and children…but we hope we can remain friends and keep in touch with you and all of the other families! J has grown and matured so much during this last one and a half years. We are so indebted to you and the Lao Shis for laying the foundation for him to become fluent in Mandarin as well as helping to mold him into a boy who brings us so much pride and happiness. We hope that you are proud of what you have created with MTA because we are proud to be a part of it. Before J leaves MTA, M and I have a few of favors to ask of you if you are willing: 1) please let us know if there is anything we can do to support you/MTA in the future…we’d be honored to be references, attend an open house, etc. 2) please keep us in the loop if you ever expand or plan to expand your services…after school or other classes, other offerings (how cool would it be to add on sports like you mentioned today), a PV location, etc.! 3) please keep in touch and continue to be our friends Your family will always be special to us! B |